How do I know if my child (<5) is dehydrated?

How do I know if my child (<5) is dehydrated?

How do I know if my child (<5) is dehydrated?

Recognising dehydration in young children, especially those under 5, can be challenging since they may not always communicate their needs effectively.

It is important to look out for serious signs of dehydration in your baby or child under 5 years. If your baby or child is dehydrated, it means he/she is losing too much fluid or not taking in enough. 

However The Children's Medic has shared that there are several signs you can look for to determine if your child is dehydrated:

If they...
🔻 seem drowsy
🔻 breathe fast
🔻 have few or no tears when they cry
🔻 have a soft spot on their head that sinks inwards (sunken fontanelle is
difficult to assess by a non-medical individual)
🔻 have a dry mouth
🔻 have dark yellow pee or have not had a pee in last 12 hours
🔻 have cold and blotchy-looking hands and feet

If you suspect dehydration in your baby or child, it's important to take prompt action. Offer small sips of water, oral rehydration solutions, or fluids containing electrolytes.

If the symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention immediately. Severe dehydration can be a medical emergency, it is important to seek urgent medical attention from your GP or A+E if you notice any of the signs of dehydration above in your baby or child. 

Discover more medical support for parents of babies & young children from paediatric doctor 'The Children's Medic' here.